Sunday, November 25, 2012

Inspired by Nature

Initiated by AIESEC in Navi Mumbai

Creativity, you either possess it or you stumble across it! Eitherways, what creativity can do, is totally amazing because its individualistic, fresh, explorative and adventurous! It's all about not holding back. Even if you feel you lack in it, it exists. All you need is some inspiration.

I stumbled across something truly marvellous and wanted to share it with you as well, scroll below, and have a look!

The Art of Leaft Carving:

Image courtsey Illusion.scene360

Natural leaf carving is the actual manual cutting and removal of a leaf’s surface to produce an art work on  the leaf. The process of carving is performed by artists using tools to carefully remove the surface without cutting or removing the veins. The veins add detail into the subject matter of the carving. The material or most common leaf used in leaf carving is the leaf of a Chinar tree. The Chinar tree is native to India, Pakistan and China. Chinar leaves have a close resemblance to maple leaves.

Something that should be noted, The Chinar tree's leaves that are used for such purposes are the fallen leaves. Not causing any harm to the tree's ecosystem as a whole.
A memory I have from many years back, I must have been 8 or 9 then. There was an ancient Chinar tree near my house and everytime I crossed that tree i used to collect one perfect fallen leaf. These leaves have a very beautiful lattice vein work running across them. Hence, when they would completely dry out, they would resemble some very intricate and delicate off-white, net work. I used to paint them bronze/gold and save them as bookmarks.

As I look closely and observe, many have already gained true inspiration from nature. It is what surrounds us and has also been a mirror of beauty and grace. Inset are earrings made from scrap metal, inspired by the above Chinar leaves.

Nature has so much to offer to us, and we dont just accept it's humble offerings, we exploit them. It's the need of the hour that we give back all the joy and happiness we finally derive from it.

~Inspire. And be Inspired.~
           “And that is how change happens. One gesture. One person. One moment at a time.”

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Go Green

Initiated by AIESEC in Navi Mumbai
                                                            “The world as we have created it is a process of our thinking. It cannot be changed without changing our thinking.”
                                                             ― Albert Einstein.

When one talks about going green or thinking green, what are the few things that strike your head?
Going green is surely all about change, but it's not about changing the society, it's about bringing a change at a personal level. It's about changing your thought process. Going green is about being proactive, aware and really hands on!
The question is, can you stop being lazy and change? Honestly, It seems a little difficult, but I believe you can....

 Want to go green, but don’t know where to start? Well, every little bit helps, so here are the top 10 easy ways to go green ASAP. Here are a few ideas, you know them, but it's just to remind you, if you know something then why not complete the cycle and apply that knowledge!

10 Ways to Go Green Now!

 1- Unplug appliances & battery chargers while not in use.(I did unplug mine)
2- Use compact fluorescent light bulbs.
3- Ride a bike or take public transportation, if you must drive think about car pooling! Get those walking shoes out! Walk that mile, save some fuel.
Did you know the Top Five Bike-Friendly Cities?
Portland, Oregon
Davis, California
Tucson, Arizona
Madison, Wisconsin 
Boulder, Colorado
 4- Use reusable shopping bags at the grocery stores, like jute or cloth bags. Say no to plastics, Jute is way fab!

 5- Apply for electronic bills! Save paper!
6- Conserve water by turning off that tap while you  brush your teeth.(Keep this in mind)
7- Use natural cleaning products.
8- Stop using disposable stuff like diapers, napkins, plates, cups, razors, etc.
9- Recycle things like glass, plastics, newspapers, etc.
10- Eat organic, local or fair trade foods (Learn more about organic food and urban farming as we are holding workshops very soon!).
Now I Couldn't just stop at 10...
In Addition to these, my fellow entrepreuners and innovators, think about utilising Renewable Energy aka Green Energy! Go solar! 
Be aware of your Carbon Footprint! Carbon footprint is the total set of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions caused by an organization, event, product or person.
Here's a Carbon Footprint calculator...go find out yours NOW!
Give thought to a very interesting concept of Green conventions or green meetingsThey are conventions which are conducted in ways which minimize the environmental burdens imposed by activities. Green event planners apply environmentally preferred practices to waste management, resource and energy use, travel and local transportation, facilities selection, siting and construction, food provision and disposal, hotels and accommodations, and management and purchasing decisions. The practice is knows as "event greening" or "sustainable event management".
Three R's that will surely get you far in your new GREEN GOAL,

 Reuse, Reduce and Recycle.
Everyone thinks of changing the world, but no one thinks of changing himself.”
― Leo Tolstoy

 And that is how change happens. One gesture. One person. One moment at a time.”

Friday, November 9, 2012

Why is the Earth so..Habitable?

Initiated by AIESEC in Navi Mumbai.

Our planet Earth, as we all know it, is one of the 8 planets of our solar system. To illustrate a stronger picture for you, WE are just a small spec, in the vast galaxy of which our solar system is a part of.
Just A small spec, I say? This very spec, is a complex and intricate system of it's own. And in this complexity and intricity of it lies true beauty!
Welcome to your planet,
Welcome to Earth.

The Earth is  the densest  and fifth-largest, of the eight planets. It is also the largest of the Solar System's four terrestrial planets. It is referred to as the world, the Blue Planet, or by its Latin name, Terra.
Earth formed approx. 4.54 billion yrs ago, and life first appeared on its surface within one billion years.  Earth's biosphere then significantly altered the atmospheric and other  physical conditions, which helped the growth of organisims as well as the formation of the ozone layer, which together with Earth's magnetic field blocked harmful solar radiation, and allowed the formerly Aqua-confined life to move safely to land. The physical properties, as well as its geological history and orbit, have allowed life to persist. Estimates on how much longer the planet will to be able to continue to support life range from 500 million years, to as long as 2.3 billion years.
How did scientists and astronomers derive such figures??
This estimation is created on the basis of two very interesting terms, the Earth's carrying capacity and it's biotic potential.

The carrying capacity:
The carrying capacity of a biological species in an environment is the maximum population size of the species that the environment can sustain, given the food, habitat, water and other necessities are available in the environment. In population biology, carrying capacity is defined as the environment's maximal load. And for humans, thats falls to a median of about 10 billion!

The Biotic potential:
Biotic Potential is the maximum reproductive capacity of a population if resources are unlimited.
 It is possible to have the population be more than the carry capacity, but it will damage the environment. When that happens, the carrying capacity will decrease, and the population will crash.
Two components of the biotic potential have been identified:
  • Nutritive potential - the ability to acquire and utilize food for growth and energy
  • Protective potential - potential ability of the organism to protect itself against the dynamic forces of the environment.
These two terms are important to be understood, as they give an idea as to how the dynamics of Earth and life on it work.
A planet that can sustain life is termed habitable, even if life did not originate there.
The Earth provides liquid water—an environment where complex organic molecules can assemble and interact, and have sufficient energy to sustain metabolism. The distance of the Earth from the Sun, as well as its orbital eccentricity, rate of rotation, axial tilt, geological history, sustaining atmosphere and protective magnetic field all contribute to the current climatic conditions at the planets face. In more simple terms, this crazy balance, is the only reason you and I are sitting here, breathing and reading about this! This is what makes the Earth so livable! Now  can you just imagine what would happen, if there were a shift in this balance......

Monday, November 5, 2012

All shades of green! Project CONSERVE


Who are we?
We are an initiation by AIESEC in Navi Mumbai.

What are we aiming at?
Project Conserve is a Go Green! Initation. It's a project that is truly a 'need-of-the-hour' undertaking and we would like you to stay on board with us, through this journey towards a better tomorrow!

As a chinese proverb once said,"If you plan for one year, plant rice, if you plan for 10 years, plant trees and if you plan for 100 years, educate the people."

This is a truly a thought generating proverb! Which leaves you with a different angle all together.
Now, Im not saying that the people aren't educated, what I'm questioning is the application of this knowledge.

As Project CONSERVE begins, I want you to experience all the shades of the new pink! i.e. GREEN!
We wish to plant the seeds of growth and sustainability that will surely ensure a better tomorrow.
Stay close by, as you travel with us, through this journey in finding a truly brilliant and promising tomorrow!